The Influence Of Financial Experience, Locus Of Control And Lifestyle On Family Financial Behavior
Financial Experience , Locus Of Control , Lifestyle , Financial BehaviorAbstract
Lackof effective financial management can lead to difficulties in achieving goals and long-term financial stability, imbalance between work and personal life as well as high financial demands, expenses that exceed income and not having the habit of saving for the future. Financial behavior is very important for every individual and those who have a family, in order to avoid difficult financial problems. This study aims to examine the influence of financial experience, locus of control and lifestyle on family financial behavior. The type of research used is quantitative research. The population of this study are employees who have families and work in the district local government work unit. North Luwu, Health Office, DP3P2KB Office, Transmigration and Manpower Office, Social Service & Population and Civil Registration Office. Where samples are collected using purposive sampling techniques. The total population was calculated using the Slovin formula resulting in a sample of 202 respondents. The data analysis techniques used are instrument tests, multiple linear regression analysis and determination coefficient analysis. The results showed that variables of financial experience, locus of control and lifestyle had a significant positive effect on family financial behavior.
Copyright (c) 2024 Arini Dwi Pramesty, Jumawan Jasman, Ibrahim Halim (Author)
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