Formulation And Physical Quality Test Of Lime Peel Ethanol Extract Gel Moisturizer (Citrus Aurantiifolia S.) And Antioxidant Activity Test


  • Ananda Saiful Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo Author
  • Hurria Hurria Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo Author
  • Jasril Jasril Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo Author


Lime peel , Moisturizer gel , Antioxidants , IC50


This research was carried out as a form of preserving skin care from generation to generation using natural ingredients in the form of the lime plant (Citrus aurantiifolia S.), namely the skin of the fruit which contains high flavonoid compounds which act as antioxidants. This research aims to produce a gel moisturizer formulation with the active ingredient ethanol extract of lime peel (Citrus aurantiifolia S.). This research uses a type of experimental research conducted at the Pharmacy Laboratory, Palopo Muhammadiyah University in September 2023. In this research, sample preparation, extract making and moisturizing gel formulation were carried out. The results of the organoleptic tests of the three formulas until the fourth week did not change. The pH test results of the preparation have met the pH test requirements that are acceptable to the skin. In the homogeneity test, the three preparations had good homogeneity. The results of the spreadability and adhesiveness tests for the three preparations obtained good results. The viscosity test obtained high viscosity in F3 due to the addition of gel base to each formula. In the irritation test results, none of the respondents experienced irritation. The best results of the moisture test and antioxidant test were F3 with an IC50 value of 53 which is classified as strong. The results of the hedonic test for F3 were the formulation that respondents liked most, including aroma, color and texture.





