Educational Patterns In The Intra-Campus Student Institution Caderary System


  • Imam Pribadi Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo Author


Student Organization , Interests , Talents


Students as the main actors and agents of change in reform movements have the meaning of being a group of intellectual people who look at everything with a clear, positive, critical, responsible and mature mind. Morally, students will be required to take academic responsibility in producing work that is useful for environmental life. Therefore, students are a group of the young generation who have a strategic role in building the nation because students are a source of moral strength for Indonesia. Students as scholars have responsibilities that must always be carried out. According to Julian Benda in La Trahison des Clercs (1972), intellectual responsibility is based on three benchmarks, which are justice, truth and reason. It is clear that students are required to always strive for the upholding of truth and justice based on rationality. This is where students' fundamental responsibilities are reflected in various student activities and student movements. In this regard, to reflect various student activities and student movements there must be a forum that can accommodate and channel their aspirations, an organization that is established at the university. Organizations are seen as a forum to achieve goals. An organization is also a forum for a group of people who work together to achieve common goals. To produce students who meet the expectations, a good education and cadre pattern is needed.





