The Influence Of Individual Characteristics, Workload And Work Environment On The Performance Of Employees Within The Scope Of The Population And Civil Registration Office Of Luwu Regency


  • Andi Nadirah. M Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo Author
  • Indrawan Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo Author
  • Fitriani Ahmad Reong Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo Author


Individual Characteristics, Workload , Work Environment , Employee Performance


The role of human resources will greatly determine the success or failure in achieving the vision and mission set by the organization. The better the quality of human resources owned by the organization, the better the performance of the organization itself. This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of individual characteristics, workload and work environment on employee performance at the Luwu Regency Population and Civil Registration Office. The method used is the sampling technique. The sample in this study was as many as 80 respondents, the data analysis method used was multiple liner regression. The results showed that individual characteristics had a positive and significant influence on employee performance as evidenced by output where the t-value was calculated > t table (2,641 > 1,991). Workload has a positive and significant effect on employee performance as evidenced by the output of t-values calculated > t tables (9.275 > 1.991).  Individual Characteristics, Workload and Work Environment together have a positive and significant effect on employee performance, this result is evidenced by the F count result of 146.015 with a significance level of 0.000. Because the resulting calculated F value is greater than the table F (3.11) and the resulting significance value is smaller than 0.05.





