The Relationship Of Working Memory Capacity And The Ability Of Undergraduate Mathematics Education Students In Working On Integral Problems


  • Ruslimin. A State University of Surabaya Author


Working memory capacity , student abilities , integral questions


This research aims to determine the relationship between working memory capacity and the ability of Bachelor of Mathematics Education students in working on integral problems. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. This research was conducted on students of the Undergraduate Mathematics Education Study Program at Muhammadiyah University Enrekang (UNIMEN) for the 2023/2024 academic year. The collection techniques used are complex range assignments, written tests and interviews. The written test in this research is in the form of 6 numbers of Integral Material Test (TMI) questions. To measure students' working memory capacity, complex span tasks were used, namely the forward digit span task and the backward digit span task. Interviews in this study were conducted with one student who had a high working memory capacity and one student who had a low working memory capacity. The stages carried out by researchers in conducting this research were data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The conclusion of this research is that there is a significant relationship between Bachelor of Mathematics Education students who have high working memory capacity and Bachelor of Mathematics Education students who have low working memory capacity in working on mathematics problems, where students who have high working memory capacity are better able to work on problems. integral correctly compared to students who have low working memory capacity.





