English Students Teacher’s Competences On Plp Program: An Evaluative Study Based On Kirkpatricks’ Model


  • Musdalifah Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang Author
  • Musdalifah State University of Makassar Author
  • Ayultri Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang Author


English Teacher Profession, Learning Professional Teaching , English Teachers’ Competences, PLP Program


The aims of research were to investigate and elaborate implementation of student teachers’ competences which included pra-PLP, whilst PLP and post following PLP in Enrekang regency. This research conducted evaluation study based on Kirkpatricks’ evaluation model. The primary method of research is used qualitative case study and survey. The main key informants of this research were Student teachers English language department who have passed of PLP Program. The research sites were five key informants’ schools in enrekang regency. This research found four results. First, the Student teachers of English language education department had improved their pedagogic competence in terms of designing lesson plan and managing the teaching and learning activities. Second, their personal competences were still the same with before they attended PLP. However, the knowledge of personal competence was improved and they became more patient to face the students. Third, English teachers are created the broader connection with the English teachers from PLP. Fourth, their professional competence was improved in terms of their knowledge of English subject materials and plagiarism awareness. Positively, PLP had motivated them to continue their education to the master level in university in the future and has desired them to learn more in the future.





