Financial Litercy Analisys Of MSME Financial Management in Palopo City
Financial, Literacy , ManagementAbstract
Individuals can maintain financial stability and ensure a better and engraved life in economic terms. It also improves quality of life and helps achieve overall individual goals. In this study, the type of data used is qualitative data and with primary and secondary data sources. Premier data by interviewing sources from several MSMEs in Palopo City and secondary data obtained from the cooperative and MSME offices. The population of MSMEs in Palopo City is 15,669 using purposive sampling research methods in selecting samples and in accordance with predetermined criteria. The result of this study is that there are still many MSMEs in Palopo City who do not understand financial literacy ranging from knowledge, financial skills, financial beliefs, financial attitudes and financial behavior, so it is difficult for these MSME actors to manage their finances and can develop in terms of financial management itself.