The Influence Of Financial Technology (Fintech ), And Association On The Islamic Financial Literacy Of Generation Z


  • Suci Sulkaidah Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo Author
  • Jumawan Jasman Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo Author
  • Hapid Hapid Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo Author


Generation Z, Islamic Financial Literacy


Knowledge literacy finance Islam on society in Indonesia especially on generation Z very much it's important to get it manage finance they in a way Good with the concepts applied in accordance with Sharia Islam . Objective from study This is For know is with the existence of Financial Technology and association on generation Z can give influence to literacy finance Islam. Research This done with method quantitative . Population on study This is Generation Z was born on 1995 – 2009 with amount sample as many as 135 generation Z. Engineering collection of this data use questionnaire with scale five- point Likert from very No agree until very agree . On study This do test validity And test multiple linear regression with tool analysis using SPSS. Results from response respondents majority generation Z type sex Woman And  range age between 19 – 28 years . From the results test regression that has been done show exists influence positive And significant at each variable independent to variable dependent so that can concluded that with the existence of financial technology and association can give influence  to literacy finance Islam generation Z in general Partial And in a way simultaneous





