The Role Of The Agriculture And Industrial Sector In Poverty In South Sulawesi


  • Nurul Ainun. A Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo Author
  • I Ketut Patra Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo Author
  • Muhammad Ikbal Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo Author


Agricultural Sector, Industrial Sector, poverty, South Sulawesi


This research aims to determine the influence or role of the agricultural sector and the industrial sector on poverty in South Sulawesi. This research uses collection techniques with documentation methods, namely collecting and processing data from the Central Statistics Agency (CSA) of South Sulawesi Province from year to year. Apart from that, this research also uses library research, namely reading and collecting literature that is relevant to the research topic. In this research, the estimation method used is the Random Effect Model (REM) method, using a quantitative method, namely a data analysis method that uses numbers to draw conclusions and events that can be measured. with a time series using the eviews application, in processing the data the multiple linear regression analysis method was used. The agricultural sector and industrial sector are independent variables and poverty is the dependent variable. The results of the t test in the agricultural sector in this study show that tcount is greater than ttable, meaning that the agricultural sector has a significant effect on poverty. Meanwhile, the results of the t test in the industrial sector show that tcount is smaller than ttable, meaning that the industrial sector has no significant effect on poverty.   





