Work Readiness Of Accounting Students In Facing The Challenges Of The Accounting Profession In The Era Of Society 5.0


  • Miftahul Husniah Ridwan Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo Author
  • Indah Pratiwi Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo Author
  • Sultan Sultan Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo Author


Work Readiness, Soft Skills, Digital Literacy, Society 5.0


This study aims to determine the level of work readiness of accounting study program students at Muhammadiyah University of Palopo in facing the challenges of the accounting profession in the era of society 5.0 by using work readiness variables as independent variables with indicators of soft skills and digital literacy as the focus of research. This study uses a descriptive quantitative method by taking 100 respondents from students of the accounting study program at Muhammadiyah University of Palopo from 2020 to 2022. This study uses primary data in the form of a questionnaire containing statements related to research indicators. The data from the distribution of questionnaires were analyzed by descriptive statistics, the focus of this study was only on calculating the mean and percentage. So that it can be seen the level of work readiness of accounting students in facing the challenges of the accounting profession in the era of society 5.0. The research findings show the results of the percentage of digital literacy representing the highest level of readiness, namely (83.5%). Interpersonal and communication skills are in second place, namely (80.55%). Personal skills rank third, namely (79.15%) and intellectual skills are in the last place, namely (75.7%). Based on the percentage results shown, it can be concluded that the level of work readiness of students enrolled in the accounting study program in facing the challenges of the accounting profession in the era of society 5.0 is in the ready category.





